24 helmikuun, 2022

Annie Lennox-Why Traduzione in italiano testo e Video

Ecco il testo Originale di Annie Lennox – Why in fondo la Traduzione

How many times do I have to try to tell you
That I ’m try to tell you
That’ s when I start to try to tell you
That ’s when you have to tell you
That’ s when you have to tell me
Hey… this kind of trouble ’s only just begun
I tell myself too many times
Why don’ t You Ever Learn to keep your big mouth shut
that ’ s why it hurts so bad to hear sanat
jotka jatkuvasti putoavat suustasi
putoavat suustasi
putoavat suustasi
kertovat minulle…

saatan olla hullu
saatan olla sokea
saatan olla ilkeän epäystävällinen
mutta voin silti lukea mitä ajattelet
ja olen kuullut sanottavan liikaa Times
that you ’d better off
Why Can’ t You see this boat is upping
(this boat is upping this boat is upping)
Let ’s go down to the water’ s edge
and we can cast away those doubts
some things are better left unsaid
but they still turn me inside out
Turning inside out turning inside out
Tell me…
Tell me…

This is the book I never read
These are the path I ’ll never tread
These are the dreams I’ ll dream instead
This is the joy that ’ s self Out
these are the tears…
the tears we shed
this is the fear
This is the dread
these are the content of My Head
and these are the years that we have spent
and this is what I feel
do you know how I feel ?
’cause I don’ t think you know how I feel
I don ’t think you know what I feel
I don’ t think you know what I feel
You don ’ t know what I feel

Ecco la Traduzione

Quante volte devo provare a dirtelo

Che mi dispiace per le cose che ho fatto
ma quando inizio a cercare di dirtelo
in quel momento Devi dirmi
Hey… questo genere di problemi sono appena cominciati
lo ripeto a me stessa troppe volte
perché non impari a tenere Chiusa quella tua Bocca larga?
siksi sattuu niin paljon kuulla ne sanat
, jotka tulevat jatkuvasti suustasi
tulevat suustasi
kerro minulle…

I can be crazy
I can be blind
I can be brutal bully
but I can still read into your thoughts
and what I ’ ve heard has already been said Too moneen kertaan
that you better go away
miksi et ymmärrä, että tämä vene uppoaa?
(tämä vene uppoaa, tämä vene uppoaa)
mennään veden pohjaan
ja voimme romuttaa nuo epäilykset
jotkut asiat on parempi jos ne pysyvät sanattomina ja
mutta ne silti lähettävät minut yli

kerro …

this is the book I never read
these are the words I never said
this is the path I never beat
these are the dreams I will dream
this is the joy that Harly spreads
these are the tears…
vuodatetut kyyneleet
this is fear
this is terror
this is the content of my head
and these are the years we ’ ve be through
and this is what they represent
and so is what it feels
do you know how I feel?
because I don ’t think you know how I feel
I don’ t think you know what I feel
I don ’t think you know what I feel
you don’ t know what I feel


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